With all of the pregnancy and childbirth excitement and hubbub going on around here, (no baby yet, but still more preparations and excitement, and nerves), it can be easy to overlook a lot of things. Namely, the invaluable presence, patience, guidance, hard work, love and support of a much beloved Daddy.
He and I met and had kids a bit, well, unexpectedly. We've been through our full share of hard knocks and painful lessons in the process of becoming a family together (I'm sure we'll go through more). But this man is a creative, highly intelligent, sensitive, and compassionate rock. One of the biggest surprises for me was that through all the cliches and mysteries of motherhood, I have come to value his insights and intuitions just as much, and often times more than my own. We make a good team, and I feel confident these days about what I contribute as a partner and as a parent, and a lot of that is due to the times I am able to shut-up my own ego, and listen to him. He knows things about parenting and life that I never ever could have fathomed. He knows how to comfort, guide, and discipline with an ease and grace that I am quite in awe of. I feel proud, and extremely lucky. My kids are extremely lucky. I am happy to say, that most of the time, this Daddy knows best.
In general I consider myself a bit of a Dad conessuer. My amazing-Dad-radar is keen, and a many of my dearest friends also happen to be incredible fathers. Hardly surprising. I think its biologically hard wired, and has little to do with sex, or sexual preference. I mean, what woman (or man) isn't in awe of (and a bit in love with) a obviously really good Dad?
I was really lucky too. I had an incredibly awesome father.
I wish he was here today.
I find that my its own ego gets in the way so often of letting me be truly thankful and appreciative of the good men in my life. I have so much to learn. Let us women love and appreciate the heck out of the really good Daddies, and teach our boys (and girls), by doing so, how to be amazing Dads (and Moms).
I had to get that out. Thanks. Perhaps it is the holiday of Thankfulness that is right around the corner. Wishing you and your family a very wonderful, yummy, and thankful Thanksgiving.