Wednesday, January 29, 2014



The Song of Wandering Angus

I went out to the hazel wood,
Because a fire was in my head,
And cut and peeled a hazel wand,
And hooked a berry to a thread;
And when white moths were on the wing,
And moth-like stars were flickering out,
I dropped the berry in a stream
And caught a little silver trout.

When I had laid it on the floor
I went to blow the fire aflame,
But something rustled on the floor,
And some one called me by my name:
It had become a glimmering girl
With apple blossom in her hair
Who called me by name and ran
And faded through the brightening air.

Though I am old with wandering
Through hollow lands and hilly lands,
I will find out where she has gone,
And kiss her lips and take her hands;
And walk among long dangled grass,
And pluck till time and times are done
The silver apples of the moon,
The golden apples of the sun. 
--William Butler Yeats


I've always sworn I would never get a tattoo (it seems like everyone has one, and most of them are so blah) but then I found these, and I've been wavering a bit.  These are stunning.

My Pinterest tattoo page!


You remind me
Of tulips.
Proud, white tulips.

Time is always pressing in
With a dull beauty.

I look incessantly.
And there is good sort of beauty. 

It is you.

Not to be shaken
From bough to bough
Like a wayfaring leaf.

you would say
I am merely a cat wrapping
Itself about your legs.

It is true.
I escaped the harsh reality of
The city years ago.

I remember the bars.
The switches,
And never being calm.

In the mornings
The light ran through the buildings 

And mixed up everything. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

3 Things

 1.  This kid doesn't stop talking, singing, story-telling from the minute he opens his eyes in the morning to the minute he falls asleep at night.  Whew!

2.  Many stories digress into potty-talk these days.  Who pooped, and where, etc.

3.  We sing songs together.  I had no idea - heart melting.

SAMMY:  (he's the baby)
1.  He smiles and giggles now.

2.  He could spend all day in his Tummy Tub.  

3.  Does not tolerate a wet diaper in the least.  No sir!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014



Bodies, by Susie Orbach.  Fantastic book on the modern tranformation of how we inhabit our bodies.  I love the questions she raises about what it actually eans to have a body in this day and age.


 Fra Angelico

Fra Angelico


Today I went to the ocean.
I felt you along my spine,
At the back of my neck,
Like water receding.

I began to sway,
Which held you together
Until piece by piece
You broke apart lazily
and sunk in me.

I wish you could have
Been something bigger
than a boat.

I wish I could have
come up to you as myself,
And offered you
this salt bouquet.

Nothing is sacred though.
Everything is a crazy,
Damp dance of love. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sweet baby

Getting to know this little boy has been such a pleasure so far.  Its been so nice, this second time around, to feel like I somewhat know what I am doing.  My first born was such a shock to me.  I had never spent much time around babies before, and the utter and complete absorption of having a new born completely bowled me over.  This time I am way more relaxed.  More aware.  I'm enjoying the process so much more.  I'm painfully aware of how short this newborn stage is.  Wow, already he's gotten so big.  

"Little by little one travels far"
-- J.R.R. Tolkien

Wednesday, January 15, 2014



"The King was silent. 'Ents!' he said at length. 'Out of the shadows of legend I begin a little to understand the marvel of the trees, I think.  I have lived to see strange days. Long we have tended our beasts and our fields, built our houses, wrought our tools, or ridden away to help in the wars of Minas Tirith. And that we called the life of Men, the way of the world. We cared little for what lay beyond the borders of our land. Songs we have that tell of these things, but we are forgetting them, teaching them only to children, as a careless custom. And now the songs have come down among us out of strange places, and walk visible under the sun.'"

--J.R.R Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings
The Two Towers


Yojhi Yamamoto

I've been looking looking at his website here.  Very interesting work, I think.

In the south
Warm, dark, night perspires,
And vermin holes creep deep into the ivy.
In the north the cold roots burrow deep into the snow.
Something is signaling the birth of trees,
In the way you can still travel
When sitting.
Small, muffled sounds signal your presence to me,
Like animals talking.
The stars are drunken,
And soft with love.

Something about night
And the autumn, Makes my blood return to its home.

Those drawings, those things,
On ancient walls, in cafes.
I am trembling. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Week One (post-Oma).

Hi.  I think we made it.  My Mom has been back in Baltimore for almost a week now, and I am embarrassingly proud to say that I've been holding it down rather well around here without her.  sleep-deprived mostly, very grouchy at moments (ahem...), but holding it down.  Here are some pictures from our week.

 I've been taking the kids to the park a couple times a week.  The weather has been gorgeous and it gets us all out of the house.  Something about seeing my two beautiful boys sleeping after lots of good fresh air makes my heart soar.  It also makes my eyes droop.  Man, I could use that nap!

 Here are the cookies I have been so dangerously obsessed with.  You can find the recipe here.  I added  a half cup of cranberries.  

Oma and the boys.  Sammy's (the baby) expression here kills me!  "They're so weird.  Pretend you don't see them.  Oh God, he's touching my hand, isn't he?"" Hee-hee!

Balloon magic.

I also wanted to tell you about a new series I'm starting here on Wednesday that I am very excited about.  Its called, READ--LOOK--WRITE!  Something I'm reading, something I'm looking at, and (drum roll please) something I'm writing.  It should be interesting.  Wish me luck!

I hope you have a beautiful week, dear family and friends!

Sunday, January 5, 2014


I think I'm just beginning to get a handle on this two kid thing.  Its been four weeks now, and my Mom has been here, helping me out, for nearly two months.  Its been amazing, we all adore her, and tomorrow she is going home to Baltimore.  I am feeling excited and energized thanks to her presence, and slightly nervous about how I'll get on without her.  

I think in large part to assuage my nerves, I've been baking.  A lot.  I love baked goods, and I figure that if I'm baking, things can't be that scary (you see that logic, right?).  I've also persuaded myself that if I bake myself (with the kids) what I would otherwise buy, that its fun, educational, affordable, and well worth the caloric expense (it totally is).  

So we made pie yesterday.  Apple pie.  It couldn't have been a simpler, more satisfying treat.  (OK, 'simple' is not the right word for pie-making with a two year old and a newborn.  But it was worth it.  Totally worth it.)  I have not yet figured out how to make a pie look good, but it sure as heck tasted good.  What, with a half pound of butter.....

Before pie-making, we took a long, beautiful walk in the woods with my Mom.  It was a warm, sunny day, but we could still feel the winter in the air.  And of course no walk in the woods would be complete without multiple burpings, nursings, diaper-changings, and re-confirmations about how many cookies someone could expect to have when we got back to the car.  (oh help!  Ive been on a chocolate chip cookie-baking thing).

Goodbye Mom!  Hello real-life!